Church Growth and Development


Get to Know Us

The Bureau of Church Growth and Development provides leadership for evangelism that assists the denomination’s growth and expansion effort and help the ministries of our church conform more closely to the spirit and mission of the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ; employing the most effective means for the chief end of the gospel – the salvation of souls: that the church may more vigorously promote and apply the moral and spiritual agencies by which men are rescued from sin and trained for heaven; the Bureau of Church Growth and Development has authority to exercise general control over the field of evangelism and shall seek to promote revivals of religion throughout the territory occupied by the church and shall endeavor to vitalize and restore the waste places in our Zion and expand to new harvest fields.


Through the ministry of evangelism, we offer Christ to all, facilitate and sponsor a quadrennial evangelism congress, produce training materials, provide structured classes and learning opportunities for effective evangelistic efforts.

Home Missions

Home Mission ministry which is designed to “help Zion grow at home.” Through the home mission ministry, we aid and distribute funds to mission Annual Conferences whose Connectional Budget is less than $50,000.00 annually. Those funds are generally used to support ministerial training, acquisition new building or property, repairing existing buildings and parsonages and to support for living expenses of pastors serving mission areas.


The Bureau of Church Growth and Development vision is to provide leadership that will fortify our faith and secure our future being fully persuaded and disciplined enough to pursue holistic Christian development of our denomination, with the aid of the Holy Spirit. We will provide faithful stewardship over all that God has entrusted to us; mental, physical, and spiritual resources. Furthermore, our goal is growing personally, spend time wisely developing our minds through the study of God’s affirming, stimulating, authenticating, and liberating word.

We have discovered that God’s word is indeed, “a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path” (Psalm 119:105). We also have discovered that Christian stewardship is a way of life involving the understanding that everything we are and everything we have are gifts from God. We strive to let everything we do – in our worship, in our leadership, in our discipleship, and in our stewardship – reflect back to God profound gratitude for the life He gives and the love He continuously pours on us.” We are "THE FREEDOM CHURCH: Empowered by the Holy Spirit engaged in Strengthening Our Fellowships; Serving Our Flocks; Sharing Our Faith and Securing Our Future!

Church Growth and Development



3225 West Sugar Creek Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28269
