Records and Research
For Your Information
This section is created to assist you as you work with 'onboarding' in the Records section. Please reference the Frequently Asked Questions and the Informational Modules below. If you still have questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
YouTube Channel
GSA A.M.E. Zion Church Mentoring Leadership Moments
Office 365 Integration
Presiding Elders' Presentation
Frequently Asked Questions
Why can’t I log on the website?
You must use ameziongsa.com after the given username. For example - AMEZ@ameziongsa.com
Are the forms automatically saved?
They are, however, it is always better to frequently save your work.
Do I have to fill out the top portion of each Ministry page with the pastor, name of church, district, etc.?
No. If you fill out the Statistical report it will automatically regenerate on all the other reports.
How do I duplicate pages of the work book?
There are tabs at the top of the instruction page with step by step details to assist you in performing this task.
Records and Reserach
Corporate Headquarters
3225 West Sugar Creek Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28269
Call / Fax
Office: (704) 599-4630 x2574
Fax: (704) 688-2541