WH&OM Society


Ecumenical Affiliates

World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women (WFM&UCW)

Mrs. Lovetta J. Holmes: WFM&UCW Representative
Mrs. Cynthia Dogbe (Overseas)


World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women shares the abundant life of Christ through evangelism, healing, ministries, education and social services in the promotion of the missionary spirit throughout the world parish, and to build a Christian community through fellowship and mutual help with women of all lands. World Federation Day observances are held during September through December, if possible and end in April.

Church Women United (CWU)

Mrs. Peggy Owens, CWU Representative


Church Women United represents women from Protestant, Roman Catholic and Orthodox denominations, who find strength in their oneness in Christ as they worship and work together in the 2,000 units of all 50 states and worldwide. The ecumenical celebrations are May Friendship Day (1st Friday of May) and World Community Day (1st Friday of November).

National Association for the Advance of Colored People (NAACP)

Mrs. Devieta C. Moore: NAACP Representative


The NAACP mission is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination. The vision of the NAACP is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights and there is no racial hatred or racial discrimination.

National Council of Negro Women (NCNW)

Mrs. D. Diane Proctor: NCNW Representative


The concept of commitment, unity and self-reliance has enabled this organization, through its affiliates, to be a channel of humanitarian services for social justice and political empowerment, with special emphasis on the needs and aspirations of the Black woman and her family.

The Black Women's Agenda

Mrs. Chantay F. Bouler: Representative


The Black Women’s Agenda, Inc. (BWA) is devoted to advancing, securing, and protecting the rights the disproportionate number of black women who are represented within statistics related to poverty, and lack access to economic and educational opportunity. The women of BWA strive to acquire greater understanding and cooperation about issues that affect all women and their families, while searching for new knowledge and new conceptualizations about said problems. Through the establishment of social priorities (an agenda), BWA facilitates discussions that lead to effective policies and meaningful change. The organization’s continuous vigilance on issues affecting Black women worldwide empowers women to step up and mitigate the gender gaps that affect women in our society.

Ecumenical Outreach

The Balm In Gilead

Karlease Smalls, Representative


The Balm In Gilead’s mission is to improve the health status of people of the African Diaspora by building the capacity of faith communities to address life-threatening diseases, especially HIV/AIDS.

The Balm In Gilead’s pioneering achievements have enabled thousands of churches to become leaders in preventing the transmission of HIV by providing comprehensive educational programs and offering compassionate support to encourage those infected to seek and maintain treatment. The Balm In Gilead spearheads a dynamic response to the HIV/AIDS crisis in the faith community.

For 19 years, The Balm In Gilead has mobilized The Black Church Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS, which engages Black churches to become centers for education, compassion and care in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

The Balm In Gilead has established, and continues to develop, educational and training programs specifically to meet the needs of faith communities that strive to become centers for HIV/AIDS ministries, education and compassion. While continuing to broaden its work within African American communities, The Balm In Gilead is working in partnership with faith communities in Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe to effectively address the horrendous challenges of HIV/AIDS.

Bread for the World

Mrs. Jo-Ann Monroe, Bread for the World Representative


Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. By changing policies, programs and conditions that allow hunger and poverty to persist, Bread for the World provides help and opportunity far beyond the communities in which we live.

The Children's Defense Fund

Ms. April C. Davis, Representative


The Children's Defense Fund is a non-profit child advocacy organization that has worked relentlessly for 35 years to ensure a level playing field for all children. The CDF champion policies and programs that lift children out of poverty; protect them from abuse and neglect; and ensure their access to health care, quality education and a moral and spiritual foundation. Supported by foundation and corporate grants and individual donations, CDF advocates nationwide on behalf of children to ensure children are always a priority.

CDF is a national organization with the capacity to work for children at federal, state and community levels across the country. The headquarters is in Washington, DC, and there are offices in California, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, New York, Louisiana, Ohio, South Carolina, and Texas. Through these offices, CDF expands their work into North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas, and New Jersey. CDF’s Haley Farm in Clinton, Tennessee, is a home for spiritual renewal, character and leadership development, intergenerational mentoring, and interracial and interfaith dialog about children's issues.

CDF Mission Statement
The Children's Defense Fund Leave No Child Behind® mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities. CDF provides a strong, effective and independent voice for all the children of America who cannot vote, lobby or speak for themselves. CDF pays particular attention to the needs of poor and minority children and those with disabilities. CDF educates the nation about the needs of children and encourages preventive investments before they get sick, drop out of school, get into trouble, or suffer family breakdown.

Un-NGO Representative

Mrs. Joan Capel

WFM&UCW Non-Governmental Organizational Representative to the United Nations

Affiliate Links

Ecumenical Affiliates and Ecumenical Outreach

Bread for the World International

Children’s Defense Fund

Church Women United (CWU)

National Association for the Advance of Colored People (NAACP)

National Council of Negro Women

The Balm in Gilead

World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women (WFM&UCW)

WH&OM Society



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3225 West Sugar Creek Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28269

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Office: (704) 599-4630 Ext 2570
Fax: 704-716-9423

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9:00 am - 3:00 pm (MON-THU)