WH&OM Society

Executive Board

Executive Board

The Executive Board consists of 23 members who serve as the Executive Committee. This Board is led by an international president, with the assistance of a first and second vice president, recording secretary, treasurer, director of communications, twelve missionary supervisors each appointed by the Bishop of an Episcopal District, and six departments that form an intergenerational bridge for mission participation, from pre-schoolers to senior adults. These Christian churchwomen seek excellence in the LORD as they look beyond traditional methods of service to create innovative approaches for kingdom building nationally and internationally.

The Executive Board, by its Constitution, has the authority to make rules and regulations governing the Society consistent with those specified in the Book of Discipline of The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. It also has the power to fill vacancies of elected officers during the interim of the Quadrennial Convention. The Executive Board does not have the authority to make constitutional changes.

Missionary Supervisors

Mrs. Camille C. Starnes
Piedmont Episcopal District
Mrs. Devieta C. Moore
Eastern North Carolina Episcopal District
Mrs. Laurenna H. Crenshaw
North Eastern Episcopal District
Mrs. Cynthia Dogbe
Western West Africa Episcopal District
Mrs. Promise Effiong
Eastern West Africa Episcopal District
Rev. Felicia R. Thompson
Mid- Atlantic Episcopal District
Mrs. H. Jean McMurray-Leake
South Atlantic Episcopal District
Rev. L. Lynn Mitchell
Midwest Episcopal District
Rev. Dr. Kay M. Gabriel
Southwestern Delta Episcopal District
Mr. Jimmie Lewis Miller Sr. & Mrs. Rosalyn "Terry" Holland
Western Episcopal District
Mrs. Donna Smith-Walker
Alabama-Florida Episcopal District
Ms. Isabel António Ngunza
Central South Africa Episcopal District
WH&OM Society



Centralized Office
3225 West Sugar Creek Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28269

Call / Fax

Office: (704) 599-4630 Ext 2570
Fax: 704-716-9423

Office Hours

9:00 am - 3:00 pm (MON-THU)