Zion Benefits Services, Inc.
Ministerial Relief Fund for Widows and Widowers
That the proper relief might be given to Widows and Widowers of “Pastors in Charge,” and Bishops’ Widows/Widowers, the General Conference directs that there shall be established a Relief Fund for this purpose.
The Widow/Widower of a Pastor in Charge (as defined in The A.M.E. Zion Book of Discipline), Presiding Elders, General Officers, and Bishops are eligible to receive Relief Benefits, providing he/she has not remarried and remains a member of The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church.
Relief Benefit Payments
The Widow/Widower of a “Pastor in Charge” shall be given $60.00 per month and Widows/Widowers of Bishops shall be given $250.00 per month starting one (1) year after date of Bishop's death. These benefits will remain in effect for a period not to exceed five (5) years, as long as the Widow/Widower has not remarried and remains a member of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church.
Required Documents
- Copy of Certified Death Certificate

Widows Data Form
Direct Deposit Form
Commonly Asked Questions
Zion Benefits Services, Inc.
3225 West Sugar Creek Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28269
Post Office Box 217114
Charlotte, NC 28221
Office: (704) 714-1505
Fax: 704 714-1552