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Church Growth & Development Quadrennial Congress 2025
The Bureau of Church Growth and Development provides leadership for evangelism that assists the denomination’s growth and expansion effort and helps the ministries of our church conform more closely to the spirit and mission of the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Meet Dr. Eleazar Merriweather
Executive Director of the Department of Church Growth & Development
Reverend Dr. Merriweather is very active on all levels of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (A.M.E Zion Church) Connection, local community, and the city of Detroit. He served as the Administrative Assistant to the Presiding Bishops, Dean of the Rochester-Brown School of Ministry for the Malawi and Mozambique Annual Conferences; Director of the Mid-West Episcopal District Leadership Training Institute, Conference Secretary of the Michigan Annual Conference, and the Southeast Regional Advisory Board for Hospice of Michigan, and the International Director of Discipleship Formation.